Michelle Lowry

Project Specialist

Michelle comes to CES with a background in healthcare, research and programme management. Michelle holds a BSc in Occupational Therapy and a MSc in Diabetes. Michelle has a wide range of clinical experience as an Occupational Therapist both at home and overseas. Over the course of her career Michelle has always been drawn to opportunities to improve services, to advocate for person-centred practice, and to work collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders in doing so.

Within CES Michelle is a member of the Community Operations Improvement Programme team. This programme involves CES working with the HSE to build and implement change to improve community health services. Michelle is currently using her experience to support the Policy Implementation Team within HSE National Mental Health Operations in the implementation of the Sharing the Vision – A Mental Health Policy for Everyone 2020-20230.

Before joining CES, Michelle worked as a mental health promotion manager for a National youth mental health organisation, leading a team and programme of work which had a specific focus on promoting the mental health of young people across further and higher education settings. Michelle also remains actively involved in research and advocacy and currently sits on the HRB funded D1-Now trial management group – a project which aims to improve outcomes for young adults living with type 1 diabetes.

Michelle joined to CES in pursuit of her goal of being a change agent, to play an active role in closing the implementation gap between policy and practice, and ultimately to have a meaningful impact which could be felt not only at individual level, but organisational and systemic levels too.

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