'Evaluating Impact in the Community and Voluntary Sector' Training Programme

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The Evaluating Impact in the Community and Voluntary Sector training programme has been developed specifically for practitioners and service providers in the community and voluntary sector, to enhance expertise and build capacity within the sector. It will bring participants together in hands-on practical sessions to deep dive into proven processes and dynamic insights from impactful projects, in order to determine and demonstrate the impact of their initiatives.

Who is the programme for?

This programme has been designed in such a way that those new to evaluation and those with experience evaluating projects can benefit. It is aimed at project staff, service leads, and evaluation teams in the community and voluntary /non-profit sector who need to understand the basics of evaluation and for those who need skills that support them to analyse and report on data.

What will be covered?

Evaluation involves asking questions about the impact of a project, programme or service. It can help generate insights on what has changed for people and families or help to identify areas where a service can be improved.

Each session will dive deeper into the topic, beginning with the fundamentals of evaluation:

- An introduction to evaluation: Understanding the essentials

- The nuts and bolts of evaluation: What to evaluate at each project stage

- Telling your evaluation story: How to analyse your data and communicate results

What will participants walk away with?

Divided into three sessions of theory and practice, you will gain hands-on, real business context experience applying learnings to your unique setting.

You will also take away:

Session 1:

• The ability to identify outputs, outcomes and indicators of success for your service

• Knowledge of how to articulate the ‘theory of change’ of your service

Session 2:

• The skills to choose the right evaluation method at different stages of your work

• An understanding of how to develop an evaluation plan

Session 3:

• The skills to analyse your data and tell the story of your evaluation findings.

Programme overview

The programme is offered online. Since experience and prior knowledge varies, those without a background in evaluating projects are encouraged to attend all three sessions, while those with experience can choose to attend module 2 or 3, or both.

Each session is £150 per person, or £400 per person for all three sessions.

Each module will explore the topics outlined below. Modules 2 and 3 will include dedicated time to apply what you learn to your business setting.

Session 1: Evaluating Impact: An Introduction

What will be covered?

- Understanding the essentials of evaluation

- Outcomes & Outputs: what are they & why do they matter?

- If-Then Relationships: how do you know that your activities are achieving the outcome you expect?

- Indicators: how do you know it is working?

Who is it suited to?

This session is suitable for project staff and service leads who need to understand the core ingredients of evaluation.

Investment: £150

Session 2: The Nuts and Bolts of Evaluation

What will be covered?

- What to evaluate at different stages of your work

- Asking the right questions

- Data gathering methods

- Qualitative and quantitative evaluation: choosing the right method for the situation

- Developing an evaluation plan

- Organisational support session 1: Evaluating and planning - practical session for developing a service evaluation plan

Who is it suited to?

This session is suitable for project staff and service leads who understand outcomes and indicators and who plan service evaluation activities.

Investment: £150

Module 3: Telling the Story of your Data

What will be covered?

  • What to do with your data: collating, coding, theming and analysing data
  • Using quantitative data: how do you tell the story of your numbers?
  • Reporting: who needs to know what?
  • How do you tell your story so people listen
  • Organisational support session 2: Coding and theming - practical session for exploring and coding existing data

Who is it suited to?

This session is suitable for project staff, service leads and evaluation teams who work with data collected via evaluation and have responsibility for reporting impact.

Investment: £150

You can also attend all three sessions of the programme and save on individual ticket prices.

Full programme investment: £400

To register

If you would like more information on the Programme, or to book a place on any of the sessions please contact ECOtraining@effectiveservices.org

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