Implementation Network Meeting - Overcoming hope and delivering on expectations

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The 19th Implementation Network of Ireland and Northern Ireland meeting was held on 5th March 2020 in the Atrium at the Department of Justice and Equality in Dublin.

Dr. Peter Neyroud, an internationally recognized expert in implementing change in policing from the University of Cambridge, delivered the keynote presentation. His presentation titled ‘Overcoming hope and delivering on expectations: the lessons of implementing evidence-based approaches in policing’ included six necessary steps for implementing evidence and ten actions for putting an evidence-based policing strategy into practice. Following the presentation, attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in group discussions on key learning from the presentation and what learning is relevant to their sector. A panel discussion with the theme of ‘views from the ground up’ continued the conversation with a cross-sector debate. Four panelists from the University of Limerick, Kildare County Council, Barnardo’s, and the Ballymun Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force shared their experience with using and implementing evidence and how lessons from the policing sector applied to their field and work. The panel discussion emphasised the value of evidence and knowing how and when to use it. A message that resonated with many was that implementing evidence requires not just producing data, but also understanding that data and asking, ‘why are we using that?’.

The meeting was attended by 56 people from a variety of organisations and sectors. A key takeaway from the meeting was that when implementation does work, the practices and knowledge should be disseminated across sectors.

Click here to see the presentations from the Implementation Network meeting

About the Implementation Network of Ireland and Northern Ireland:

The network was established in 2011 to promote and share learning about effective implementation of policy and practice throughout Ireland and Northern Ireland. There are currently 120 members from across the island who come from backgrounds in government departments, public bodies, community and voluntary sector, research, and academic fields. The network meets twice a year and allows members to gather and exchange insights and experiences around implementation.

If you are interested in becoming a member or learning more about the Implementation Network of Ireland and Northern Ireland, please contact

Check out the CES Guide to Implementation to learn more about the how and what of implementation. Read the guide here.

Additional implementation resources can be found here.

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